Imagine living a life without limitations... Imagine living the life you want

I help adults, teenagers and children free themselves from limiting beliefs, anxiety, low confidence and phobias through a rapid, innovative and solution-based therapy in order to be happy, empowered, and live the life they truly want.

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A branch in the current

A person is like a beautiful flowing river. We are created to flow with our unique life force. When things happen to us in our life which causes a negative limiting belief, it’s as if a tree has fallen into our beautiful flowing river. That river will find it’s way around it but problems arise and that beautiful free flowing river now has blocks. Rtt and trauma release remove those blocks and that allows you to flow freely, with an even more incredible life force than ever before. 

What can I help with?


Anxiety can manifest itself through indecision, social hesitancy, sleeplessness, second guessing oneself, and more.


Free yourself from a lack of happiness, a lack of desire, and the inability to find joy.


Fear of flying, sickness, safety and security, being alone, and more.


Heal from the trauma from your past once and for all.

My Services

Rapid Transformational Therapy

Created by Marisa Peer in the UK, RTT works with the subconscious mind using hypnosis to take you back to three scenes from your past that have everything to do with why you have the problem you are presenting and discovers the root cause.

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STAR Trauma Release

STAR trauma release is an effective tool to remove traumatic memories from the Amygdala and store them as regular long term storage memories. This therapy works with the conscious mind to clear away the triggers that are holding you back from feeling peace.

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I feel more free than I ever have. No longer do I feel intertwined with this mental sludge. I feel lighter. My life has changed, and for that I’ll be forever grateful to Sam and her wonderful work.

- Ethan


Since my RTT session with Sam I have felt so much more calm in my life. I have never existed like this before. I feel so calm and when I wake up at night I don’t feel panicked. I can’t believe how calm I feel. It almost feels surreal.

- C. Johnson


I didnt think it was possible to resolve my childhood trauma within two sessions, but with Sam that is completely possible. I have never been more confident, social, and at peace with my past before trying RTT

- Hannah


Everyone needs RTT in their life! The entire experience was truly magical and life changing.

- K.S.


I just want to say how grateful I am for you and your healing work. I feel like a different person. In such good ways!! I really feel renewed. Thank you so so much for being in this journey with me and being so instrumental in my growth and progress. I cannot express enough how impactful you are in my life.

- S. Silva


If you want to see real change in your life, or have an issue that is affecting your life then I would recommend Samantha. The therapy Samantha uses works! I have experienced it firsthand.

- Narinda P.
See More Breakthroughs

I Can Help

Using RTT I can help you get to the root cause of why you have a problem, and help you to feel free of it.

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