Rapid Transformational Therapy

Rapid relief with permanent results. Feel free and lighter in one to three sessions.

Created by Marisa Peer in the UK, RTT works with the subconscious mind using hypnosis to take you back to three scenes from your past that have everything to do with why you have the problem you are presenting and discovers the root cause. Once you understand why you created the problem, I will use tools to interrupt the thought processes and then reframe the limiting beliefs, negative habits, thoughts and emotions. I will create a personalized audio recording that will create new neural pathways to completely shift your thought processes and help you to overcome the problem you have.

The freedom from these limiting beliefs is so freeing. People have felt different immediately following the session or they begin noticing changes over the next few weeks.

RTT Can Help You With


Anxiety can manifest itself through indecision, social hesitancy, sleeplessness, second guessing oneself, and more.


Free yourself from a lack of happiness, a lack of desire, and the inability to find joy.


Fear of flying, sickness, safety and security, being alone, and more.


Heal from the trauma from your past once and for all.

Relationship Issues

Sexual problems, lack of intimacy, not attracting the right person, lack of connection, not trusting others, etc.

Sleep Issues

Waking up at night, not falling asleep, not feeling rested, or any other sleep disturbance can be resolved.

Intense feelings

You can be free from anger, rage, resentment, sadness, discouragement, and more.

Childhood Issues

Be free from the past and move forward with peace.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders come in many forms but do not need to be a part of your life. Free yourself of all food stress, fears and habits to become healthier than ever.

Professional Blocks

Imposter syndrome, fear of public speaking, not being able to ask for a raise, being stuck in a career you don’t want, and work life balance are just a few.

Physical Issues

Pain, inflammation, menstruation problems, stuttering, skin disorders, and other physical problems are all created for a reason. Get to the root of it and allow your body to heal.

Self Esteem

Feeling like you aren’t good enough, I am not worthy of love, I am not loveable, I am not pretty enough, smart enough, and on and on. Love yourself like never before.

Bad Habits Addiction

Get to the root cause of the addiction and be free.

Menopause and Hormones

Find relief by going back to the root cause and to allow your body to work as it was created to work.

Other Issues

RTT can help with nearly any issue. Ask me!

Self Esteem

Heal from the trauma from your past once and for all.

The Process

1. Intake Call

The first step is to have an Intake call where we go over the problem you want to be free of and how it has been affecting you. We will discover how you want to feel without this problem in your life.

2. The Session

The session is 1.5-2 hours long, in person or online. Using hypnosis we will discover the root cause of the problem you are experiencing and then use tools to reframe the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from letting it go. Once it is reframed, the new neuropathways will be created, creating a shift immediately.

At the end of the session, you will leave with a recording that you will listen to for 3 weeks, creating a new habit of thought. This recording is what will seal in the session and create the lasting change. 70% of the work will be done in the session and the other 30% is in this recording.

3. Follow Up

When the session is over, you could feel free immediately, over the next three weeks, or over time. We will be communicating about what you are noticing and what needs are coming up because often there is a secondary issue lying underneath the original problem.

Be Free

Lastly, enjoy the feelings and sensations of being free of the problem you have experienced for so long. Feel better about yourself than ever before.



$350 / Session

Many issues take up to 3 sessions to feel resolved

Session Includes:

  • 25 Minute Intake Call
  • 1.5 - 2 Hour Session (online or in person)
  • Personalized Hypnotic Recording to Listen to For 21 Days
  • Follow Up Call
  • Continual Progress Check Ins
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Trauma Release

$150 / Session

“After my release all I remember is the good and neutral, the bad is gone!”

Session Includes:

  • 1 - 1.5 Hour Session (online or in person)
  • Hypnotic Recording (if new beliefs need to be installed)
  • Follow Up Call

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Beginner Package


Many issues take up to 3 RTT sessions to feel resolved

Package Includes:

  • 1 Trauma Release Session
  • 1 Hour Talk Therapy Session
  • 2 Hour RTT Session
  • 1 Follow Up Appointment
  • Continual Progress Check Ins
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I feel more free than I ever have. No longer do I feel intertwined with this mental sludge. I feel lighter. My life has changed, and for that I’ll be forever grateful to Sam and her wonderful work.

- Ethan


Since my RTT session with Sam I have felt so much more calm in my life. I have never existed like this before. I feel so calm and when I wake up at night I don’t feel panicked. I can’t believe how calm I feel. It almost feels surreal.

- C. Johnson


I didnt think it was possible to resolve my childhood trauma within two sessions, but with Sam that is completely possible. I have never been more confident, social, and at peace with my past before trying RTT

- Hannah


Everyone needs RTT in their life! The entire experience was truly magical and life changing.

- K.S.


I just want to say how grateful I am for you and your healing work. I feel like a different person. In such good ways!! I really feel renewed. Thank you so so much for being in this journey with me and being so instrumental in my growth and progress. I cannot express enough how impactful you are in my life.

- S. Silva


If you want to see real change in your life, or have an issue that is affecting your life then I would recommend Samantha. The therapy Samantha uses works! I have experienced it firsthand.

- Narinda P.
See More Breakthroughs

I Can Help

Using RTT I can help you get to the root cause of why you have a problem, and help you to feel free of it.

Book a call